
Resident’s Rights

A doctor holding the hands of an elderly person

Published on May 29, 2016

Many elders and their families are unaware of residents’ rights in nursing homes. Under both California and Federal law, residents are given a “bill of rights” which the nursing facility must uphold. In fact, nursing homes are required by law to inform residents of their rights.

There are many rights, however, there are a few key rights that are continually violated by nursing homes. One such right is the “right to receive the necessary care and services to attain or maintain the highest practicable physical, mental, and psychosocial well-being.” Another right we see violated is the “nursing home shall employ an adequate number of qualified personnel.” Lastly, the “right to receive care to prevent bedsores and incontinence.”

There are many more rights that you or your loved ones should be aware of. I encourage you to visit for a more extensive list. If you or a loved one has had their rights violated by a nursing home, we are here to help.